All week I've been basking in the memory of my fabulous Galichnik weekend. I haven't accomplished much this week except editing photos and writing my diary.
Dan worked his last weekend and now he feels like a kid released from school for the summer break. This afternoon we will go to Mount Bistra to a small village called Janče. It is over the mountain from Galichnik. We're hoping to do some hiking and just enjoy the mountain air for two days.
Besides Dan being released from the "death march" of his creation, the other significant event was today's receipt of his official RESIDENT CARD. We've been here for over 6 months. Dan first began applying for this card more than 3 months ago. The card he received today will expire mid-November 2012. We don't leave Macedonia until January 2013.
Last night we saw another free concert as part of the Skopje Summer 2012 series. This one was by a group from Denmark called Kynnes Kabale. Some of the musicians originate from other countries, but all have now made their home in Denmark. The group organizer and vocalist sang in Danish. My ears aren't accustomed to listening to Danish in song or otherwise so it was a unique experience for me. While the words were Danish, their music was not; it had an oriental sound with instruments to match. One of the musicians played the saz which is a stringed instrument originating in Iran or Turkey. The group surprised the crowd by singing a Macedonian folk song in Macedonian--a real crowd pleaser.
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