Each day brought us more magnificent scenery with lighting and weather that changed hour by hour.
M/V Delfinus
We made short hikes through moss-thick woods on some of the islands along the way.
Dan enjoyed the nature walk on West Brother Island, but his attention wanes when photographing scenery is involved.
Our last stop before Juneau was in Taku Harbor to look around an old fish cannery that is now in ruins. Much of the rusted metal has been arranged into sculptural art forms. Hardy seedlings prosper on the tops of the decaying pier supports.
Some other photographs along the way at Warm Springs:
Masks hanging from the side of a boat moored at Warm Springs Harbor
Photo of Bunch Berry plant and texture on the bottom of a bog pool.
And, of course, waterfalls:
Fucus (a brown algae) stranded in a tide pool at Basket Bay:
I can't say enough good things about Captain Ronn, naturalist John Kipping, and chef Alicia Dominguez. All three were easy to travel with, knowledgeable about the flora and fauna, and extremely competent. Alicia made everyday special with her gourmet meals. For example, one evening she prepared slow cooked roast pork with a cherry reduction sauce sprinkled with morels and a side of mashed potatoes. Each day I looked forward not only to the scenery and animals, but also to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. All that was required of me was to get dressed, wash my face, brush my teeth, and grab my camera.
Betty Sederquist has extensive knowledge of Alaska. Betty is a former Alaska resident and has been the photo tour leader for the last 16 years on annual Dolphin Charters trips. Her work and workshop schedule can be seen at
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