Despite our best intentions, last night we did not go to the midnight mass to celebrate Easter. The weather took a turn for the worst and not only was it rainy, but it was also windy. We went to sleep instead. This morning, the weather conditions are the same. We packed up, said goodbye to our host (who also did not attend midnight mass), and left Ohrid behind. As we crossed the first mountain pass, the weather became much drier and sunnier.
Village of Novo Selo between Ohrid and Skopje |
Since it was so early and we had a car, we located the old stone aqueduct that resides just outside of Skopje. The neglected aqueduct with 55 surviving arches sits in a field near an army base. It was probably built in the Ottoman period during the 16th century to feed Skopje's many Turkish baths.
Then, we went back to our Skopje apartment to see how Kali Cat fared with her new cat sitter. I was referred to her new cat sitter by a young lady who works at our local pet supply store. Anita is a university student studying Philosophy. She is lovely. When we first got home we couldn't find Kali Cat and had begun to worry when I finally spotted her on a dining room chair behind the table cloth. When she had been found, she got off the chair and hid under the bed. We were a little worried that perhaps the cat sitter had not been nice to her.
I called Anita to tell her we were back, and she came by shortly to drop of the key and get paid. Anita wanted to see Kali Cat so I took her into the bedroom where Kali Cat was sitting on the window sill. Anita reached out her hand toward Kali and Kali licked her fingers. So, Kali liked her cat sitter after all; she was just mad at us.
Anita brought colored eggs as gifts for Dan and me and she made a toy for Kali.
On Easter Day the one who is able to smash his/her egg into the most other eggs without cracking the shell will have good luck the rest of the year.
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