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New Website, New Blog, but the Old Blog Archive remains: September 28, 2023

After many years of wanting a real website, this month I finally have a website designed by the very knowledgeable Rey Rey Rodriguez ( TheMindOfReyRey ). My old blog,  Vacation-Travel-Adventure .com  continues with the same address but it is located in the "Archives" tab on my new website . The new blog which is a continuation but with much better resolution for 4K screens is now at .

Western Easter in Skopje, North Macedonia: April 21, 2019

After hiking and driving most of Saturday, we took it easy today. We went to the noon Mass in English at the very near Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Church. The church interior is quietly serene with only natural lighting in the daytime. I like the way the roof looks like a series of open books. There are long, narrow skylights at the crest of the roofline (the book binding) softly lighting the interior. 

After the short mass, we strolled through some of the neighborhoods we hadn't yet visited to arrive at a green market.

Sweet Strawberries from North Macedonia

Rose Tomatoes (a pink tomato) from North Macedonia
Just outside the market, we bought a small bouquet of sweet smelling Lilies of the Valley.

Eventually, we ended up at the main Orthodox Church in Skopje. It's interior and exterior differ greatly from the minimalist Catholic Church. It is also beautiful.

On Macedonia Street (pedestrian street), the Memorial to Mother Teresa (a Catholic) has been overshadowed by a new Orthodox Church. Mother Teresa, an ethnic Albanian, was born in Skopje in 1910. She was 18 when she left Skopje. Her Memorial House, at a cost of 2 million Euros and part of Skopje 2014, was opened in 2009 on the spot of the former Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Church.

Pope Francis is scheduled to visit Skopje on May 7. The entire center of Skopje will be off limits to those of us without tickets to the mass at Macedonia Square.

Dan has four days off for Orthodox Easter (Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter, and Holy Monday) so we're going to Barcelona for the long weekend.
